嗨! Hello! Moi!

Designing sustainable solutions is my passion 👊🏼

I’m a designer and systems thinker employing user-centred approach to unpack human behavioural and complex societal challenges. Experienced in working across the full design cycle from exploratory, generative to evaluative phases – in both physical and digital design.

For the past few years, I’ve worked on international social impact projects – specifically in the areas of healthcare, government strategies for community engagement and youth empowerment. I believe the value of my work draws in understanding people, context and systems to design solutions that contain value propositions responding to stakeholders and organizations.

Design work experience across 🌍

A little more about me 💁🏻‍♀️

A little more about me 💁🏻‍♀️

To be more specific,

3 years Service Designer experience at Scope Impact (Formerly known as M4ID) in Helsinki, Finland. Prior to the move to Finland, 2.5 years design experience working across e-commerce, strategy, branding and visualization in Taiwan.


Holds M.A. degree in Creative Sustainability at Aalto university Finland and B.A. in Industrial Design at Tung-Hai university, Taiwan.


👉  Download the full CV here.

Interested to know more?

Drop me a line. I’m always happy to meet new people and chat over coffee!
